Monday, July 21, 2008

A fresh start!

Ok, so it's Monday. There is no better day to start anew than on a Monday. Lately, my life has spun quickly out of control.

The "laundry monster" has attacked and left a huge mound of laundry.
Organized...I don't think I have been really organized since the birth of Munchkin #1. Daily I feel the need for this, but for some reason my touch is gone!
Me...I feel like I have totally let myself go! While I was never a "high maintenance" kind of girl, I did do a little more than I do now, so that is something I really need to work on as well.

To top it all off, we are in the process of building a new home. Right now we are living with my Mother. So, I struggle with starting new habits and routines, especially since we aren't in our own home. I've got to start somewhere though.

Oh yeah, and there is a class reunion on the horizon! Go Me!

So today starts the new Jessica!

1 comment:

sweetlittlelife said...

Best Wishes on your new start!