Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who Knew Poopy Could be Exciting?? this isn't going to be your run of the mill posting, but I'm just so excited about what Munchkin #1 did yesterday...

First a bit of history. I've been trying for months to get him to sit on the potty. He refused, could care less and was very content in his diapers. Well, I found out they were moving him at his daycare. This shocked me since he was potty trained. I knew he was one of the oldest in his class, but still thought it was odd. After talking with his teacher, we learned he had been using the potty at school! You've got to be kidding me! So, we set out to make a potty chart and explained to Dawson that he would get "Mickey" ears for every time he went potty. When the chart was full he would get to go meet Mickey Mouse! How exciting.....

So anyway...yesterday I asked him at Wal-mart (of all places) if he needed to go potty, he said yes, so we took off running to the bathroom. Low and behold he went poopy in the potty! To be honest I think I was more excited than he was.

When I became a mother, I never thought that this would be one of my proudest moments. Too top all of that off, Munchkin #2 (15 months) now wants to sit on the potty too! Yikes!

So, if I am this excited over excited will I be when he graduates high school?

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