Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finding Love in Laundry

The last few days, I have found myself completely overwhelmed by the chores in my home, yet I find that I am totally in love with what I am doing! With each day, I find that despite the fact I am cleaning up after Hubby and the boys I fall more and more in love with each of them every day. I was picking up one particular mess in the bathroom and rather than getting upset over it laying on the floor, I started laughing. You see, yesterday Hubby and Squirt #1 went over to the new house site and were working/playing when along came the rain. Squirt #1 then got so excited he started playing in the mud! Oh how I wish I could have seen his face. He loves the mud. It all just makes me realize more and more how much I REALLY want to just stay home and be a wife and mother, rather than entering the workforce. So, I will continue to pray that one day God will have that to be His will. Until then....

Monday, July 21, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Part of my new found mission to get things under control is this....

Check out for lots more ways on gaining control! HA!

Monday: Cube Steak, Rice, Butterbeans

Tuesday: Roast with Potaotes and Veggies

Wednesday: BBQ Pork Chops, Corn and Green Beans

Thursday: Taco Casserole

Friday: Hot Dogs and Chips

Saturday: Grilled Chicken, New Potatoes and veggies

Sunday: Churchwide Dinner - Revival

A fresh start!

Ok, so it's Monday. There is no better day to start anew than on a Monday. Lately, my life has spun quickly out of control.

The "laundry monster" has attacked and left a huge mound of laundry.
Organized...I don't think I have been really organized since the birth of Munchkin #1. Daily I feel the need for this, but for some reason my touch is gone!
Me...I feel like I have totally let myself go! While I was never a "high maintenance" kind of girl, I did do a little more than I do now, so that is something I really need to work on as well.

To top it all off, we are in the process of building a new home. Right now we are living with my Mother. So, I struggle with starting new habits and routines, especially since we aren't in our own home. I've got to start somewhere though.

Oh yeah, and there is a class reunion on the horizon! Go Me!

So today starts the new Jessica!