Friday, September 4, 2009

Catching Up with New Routines

Wow, it's been over a month! Lots of changes have happened in our household! After literally 4 days of "Early Labor" our baby girl finally made her arrival at exactly 38 weeks. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 18.5 inches! She's absolutely beautiful and completes our family!

Munchkin#1 started pre-k as well. He was already used to going to daycare, but the private school he will be in later on offers pre-k and it's cheaper than daycare! The teachers are great and he loves it. Everyday she sends home a letter telling what they did that day and reminders. One of our youth at church takes him to school every morning, so of course he feels like such a big boy! Then again he is.

Munchkin#2 is in limbo. Not much has changed for him other than baby sister. He loves her dearly and wants to do anything and everything for her. It's very sweet.

So, with all these new changes naturally comes new routines. I've NEVER been a big proponent of schedules. Our lives are too hectic for one, but I gotta do something! So, I've devised a plan sort of. In order to get all 3 Munchkins up & to their destinations, I am going to have to get up at 5:30 am, not a good thing for me, as I am not a morning person. Hubs has to leave for work b/w 6 & 6:30 so he's no help! Anyway, Munchkin #1 is getting himself a chore chart. He ever so politely told me the other day "Mama, don't you remember? I cleaned up my toys yesterday, so I don't have to clean them up today. Don't you remember?" Yikes. I'm working on a really fun and cute board, and hope that he will follow along with it easily.

I feel like if I can life back in order, somewhat before returning back to work in 2 weeks, maybe it won't be so bad. Naturally, I won't be a strict follower of the routines and will have to learn to adapt, as our life is so "shoot from the hip" that there is no telling when or where we will be.

That's our life and I love it! We just need some organization! LOL

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's All in God's Timing!

So, here we are a week later and guess what...we still have not met our baby girl!

I went to L&D early Friday morning, with contractions every 2-3 minutes. They sent me home. The contractions have spaced out more, but are still there. Not as painful though.

I had a very short doctor's appointment on Monday. He seems to think that we can just hang tight until 39 weeks at which time they will induce me. So, a few months ago we were supposed to induce at 38 weeks assuming there was no baby. Hmmmm....After looking at the calendar the week in which they would like to induce would also involve Dawson starting Pre-K, Hubs has a 3-day training that would give him a promotion, my Mother will be in Florida for my Grandmother's surgery, the Fall semester would be starting and I am sure there is have a dozen other things going on that week too! Our next appointment is on Monday. Hubs will be joining me and we will hopefully be able to make some other plans.

As much as I would like this baby out right this second, I've kind of gotten used to the idea of her arriving next Saturday. Since "D" was born 10/10 and "L Jack" was born 5/5, how fitting would it be for her to have a b'day of 8/8!?!

We've also since encountered another situation. "D" was so good with "L Jack's" birth that I think we were kind of taking for granted how he might be feeling. Up until now he has seemed very excited about "baby sister's" arrival and even asks me daily if today is the day she will be here. However, in the last few weeks his behavior has declined, mostly when he is with me or Hubs. Basically, if he could go live with NaNa I think he would. Things he never does with her or at school he now does with us. You can tell he's begging for attention. As of yesterday we are each trying to take up some extra "D" time with him. Hoping it will help out. All of this really worries me, especially if we induce the week he starts school. I can't imagine how confused and out of sorts that will make him.

All in all, we are both having to have faith that this is all in God's timing and that she will arrive at the most perfect time possible. Despite the pain, exhaustion and misery, I know that for the most part I will forget that all once she arrives. I just have to keep my eyes on the Lord and know that we have a wonderful prize waiting for us!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tick Tock

Well, we are still patiently waiting on our baby girl to arrive. I have officially reached the 36 week mark. I now have the ok to get up and move around. Apparently, I am in the early stages of labor, but since I am only 36 weeks they won't help me out. Imagine that. They kept me out of work, since I could go at anytime. That's helpful as it's allowing me to get the "little" things done that I feel like need to be done.

The boys are becoming increasingly impatient waiting for Lawren. Each passing day the ask me when she will be here. It's very difficult to explain, as they have no concept of time. Landon goes in her room every day and checks things out and "rearranges" things! Silly boy!

So...the wait is on and we will continue to keep everyone up to date!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bedrest for an Active Mommy

WOW! Totally not what I expected to happen!

It all started Friday. I went to the restroom and discovered that I was bleeding. Not a good thing. The doc wanted me in ASAP. I get there and I am bleeding, dilated and contracting. Guess what though, I am only 35 weeks. So, she decided to put me on bedrest through the weekend. Are you kidding me? I still have a house to clean, bags to pack, and a list of things to do. So, I called the hubs and of course he FREAKS out on me!

The last 3 days have been hard. They've been relaxing, but I am in a desperate mood to clean!! Yes, that's right, I WANT to clean. I'm talking baseboards, door jams, cabinet tops, under the frige, you name it, I WANT to clean it!

As for me contractions have slowed up, nothing consistent. However, we drove next door to eat dinner with my mom, and when we arrived back over here, we discovered the AC was out. Yep that's right no AC and it's 86 degrees in the house. Thankfully, our AC man is a good friend. We called him and he said there wasn't much we could do since it FROZE up. Nothing in South GA freezes in July except our AC! Anyway, he told Hubs what to do and said we could expect air around midnight. Nice!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting it All Together!

Lately life seems to just be running us over. It seems to becoming increasing difficult to just stop and smell the roses. Hubs and I just have way too much going on. With a baby expected within about 2 weeks or so, we still have so much to do. All the stuff is bought and put together. It's just not organized. The house is in shambles! The yard needs to be done and the list could just go on and on. It's my goal this week and the first part of next week to figure out some priorites and a SCHEDULE and get this family together before Lawren is welcomed into a house of chaos! Oh my!

As for Miss Lawren: She is head down and ready to come out. I've begun dilating and thinning which is a great thing (for me anyway!) Contractions are still be steady throughout the day, and it seems as though they are getting a little harder and stronger with each passing day. At this point we just pray for a healthy baby girl. (And I throw in one every now and then, that she comes in July not August!)