Thursday, January 28, 2010

1/52 Photos of Me

1/52 Pictures of ME!

Forever In Blue Jeans

I think this is the first picture of me and Izzy since she was a few weeks old! Can you tell she is drooling, notice how wet her shirt is!?

I'm participating in a year long challenge, created by Carin at Forever In Blue Jeans. The goal is to be in one picture a week, for 52 weeks. Since us moms are always behind the camera, this gives us a chance to get out in front and be in the pictures with our family. So, click here if you want to join in on the fun!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Successful Shopping!

Another day at the grocery store. Winn Dixie had juice on sale for 99 cents a I decided to jump on that! Went ahead and did next weeks shopping while I was in there. My budget was $70! They were out of a few things on my list and I had to substitute a few dinner ideas. Either way...I still left spending only $64.41!!!!!!!!! Yay me!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Planning to Win in 2010

So, once again...I am on a mission to get my life together. So much has happened in the last year, so planned and some not planned. Looking back I know everything happens for a reason! This year is going to be my year! The idea I have is to use this blog and other various websites to help make me accountable for my goals! I'm not considering these to be resolutions, but rather goals. These are things that I need to...MUST... change!

1. I plan to lose 40 pounds! Wow! I know right. However, I KNOW that I can do this and by golly I am going to do this.

2. I plan to save $1,000 on my grocery bills! HA! All the time I find myself reading these articles on these mom's saving all this money on the grocery bills. It's all very simple things that we can do, we just have to take the time to do it! So...I will save $1,000! Mark my word!

3. Cleaner house...not really sure how I will track this one, but I really desperately want to have a cleaner neater home. Don't get me wrong, I'm not living in filth, but I am certainly not living in a spotless home either!

4. A closer walk with God...This should be at the top of the list! I really want to work on this. This past year through some of the trials and tribulations we faced, I found myself leaning away instead of into.

I've already started the year off with a new job that equals less stress! YAY! It's all about the outlook!